Target Segments

The SupplyChain360 Assurance Program is a collaborative initiative between Trade Financial Solutions and Equipment Group (TFSEG), House of Procurement (HOP), Mitchell Cotts, partner financiers (banks) and investors. This program is designed to support organizations by ensuring inventory availability through Just-In-Time (JIT), Just-In-Case (JIC), and buffer stock solutions. It guarantees 100% supply for commercial and operational certainty while preserving, optimizing, and generating working capital.

  • Steel, Paint and Cement Industries
  • Animal Feed Manufacturers
  • Flour Millers (Maize and Wheat)
  • Edible Oil Manufacturers
  • FMCG Companies
  • Telecommunication & ICT Companies
  • Raw & Packaging Material Suppliers
Structured Supply and payment Model
Supplier Strategic Advantages
  • Pre-Selling Benefits: Entire shipment pre-sold by the time the vessel leaves the origin or hits the destination port, ensuring immediate sales and reducing inventory holding costs.
  • Operational Efficiency: End buyers pay 50%-100% cash when ships leave or land or issue a transferable and discountable LC for 120-180 days, optimizing the financial cycle and enhancing operational efficiency.
Benefits to Buyers
  • Working Capital Management: Improved cash flow and liquidity, freeing up credit lines.
  • Raw Material Availability: Assured availability of high-quality raw materials.
  • Financial Flexibility: Options such as 100% cash payment upon arrival or issuing a transferable and discountable LC for 180 days.
  • Balance Sheet Optimization: Efficient financial planning and management.
  • Pre-Selling Advantages: Entire shipment pre-sold by the time the vessel arrives, ensuring immediate sales and reducing inventory holding costs.


Following this structured plan, our procurement team negotiates supplier acceptance, while our commercial team secures customer commitments, ensuring the success of the supply and payment model. Our logistics and collateral management teams ensure delivery in full, on time (DIFOT), and maintain a secure supply chain and stock integrity.